Elstob & Elstob auctioneers were the first to sign up to sponsor the festival again in 2023.
We are grateful for their support and delighted to have them with us again this year.
Valentino’s, the restaurant with rooms, has come on board as accommodation sponsors and are generously supporting our March launch event too.
Specsavers, Ripon are showing their enthusiasm for the festival again as event sponsors and we are also pleased to welcome new sponsors Econ Engineering. With a history of supporting local events, Econ is one of the city’s largest employers.
Our new website is also generously designed and hosted by Snafler, the brilliant new social platform.
We can’t wait to work with all our sponsors as we develop our activities this year and into the future.
We have a number of sponsorship opportunities still available. Please get in touch if your company would like to discuss joining us and help bring colour and drama to Ripon in 2023. Contact katie@ripontheatrefestival.org.